On November 14, 2024, the Director, Land Management Department (LMD) hosted about forty (40) vegetation management contractors at the Akroma Plaza Hotel in Takoradi as part of its interactions with key external stakeholders of the department. The conference, which was dubbed “Right-of-Way Vegetation Management with Contractors” brought together active bush clearing contractors and key internal stakeholders in GRIDCo’s vegetation management efforts.
Opening the conference, Director, LMD Ing. Bismark Ananae said the initiative forms part of LMD’s strategies to build a stronger partnership with the contractors. According to him, the conference afforded GRIDCo the opportunity to engage with the contractors to re-emphasise the primary objective of bush clearing works; get their feedback and to establish sustainable partnerships towards the prevention of vegetation-related outages on the grid.
The Ag. Director, Southern Network Department (SNS), Ing. Hussaini Adams stressed the need for deeper collaborations with GRIDCo’s contractors to ensure adherence to standard operating practices.
Mr, Fredrick Yobo, Senior Safety Officer with the Safety Management Section of the Technical Services Department, took participants through GRIDCo’s safety requirements for bush clearing works. The presentation highlighted safety orientation for contractors and their workers; proper use of personal protective equipment (PPE); risk assessments and protocols for emergency preparedness as well as, effective communication with Area Line Maintenance teams, during and after vegetation control works. He concluded his presentation saying, “If you think safety is expensive, try an accident.”
The open forum sparked a lively discussion on various challenges the contractors and staff face on the field including, inaccessible road networks, poor communication channels between GRIDCo and contractors and lack of safety training sessions for field workers.
Participants agreed on mandatory training programmes for all contractors; strict adherence to environmental and safety regulations; improved communication lines with all stakeholders, and regular vegetation policy reviews.
Closing the conference, Ing. Bismark Anane stressed the crucial role that vegetation control plays in the execution of GRIDCo’s mandate. “Without maintaining the vegetation within the right-of-way, it is impossible to have a reliable grid. We don’t see you as contractors, but rather, partners in the business of providing reliable electricity for national development,” he noted.