The Techiman and Sunyani-Sub Operational Areas hosted the Chief Executive and Management on Thursday 18th January, 2024 for the annual New Year Staff Engagement at the Techiman Area Office-. Opening the session, Ing. Ben Ntsin, Director Northern Network Department urged the Techiman/Sunyani Staff to express their views because “Chief is ready to listen to you and will address issues raised, one after the other.

Ag. Area Manager, Ing. Joseph Nartei moderated the meeting. The Chief Executive, Ing. Ebenezer Kofi Essienyi remarked, “It is always good to visit the Area. The purpose of such visits is to reconnect with staff, and hear directly from them, their concerns, suggestions and feedback.”

The Q&A session was very engaging with staff raising requests for improved working environment; project vehicles; equipment and tools. Management also provided updates on efforts made to beef up staff numbers, and training programmes. Management provided updates on institutional housing, Tier-3 Payments, and allowances, reassuring participants that soon, formal communication would be issued to provide updates on progress made so far.

Ing. Essienyi thanked Staff for concerns raised as well as making suggestions which will be addressed in due course. He encouraged staff to work to ensure the GRIDCo remains a going concern. Most importantly, the Chief Executive urged staff, “take their medicals seriously, and also spend quality time with the family.”